How to clock in by phone

Clockspot turns any device into a phone time clock by allowing employees to call a toll-free number to clock in or out. Employees can call in from any telephone, landline, or cell phone. Here’s how to get started:

1. Enable phone clocking

First, make sure you enable phone clocking for the business, as well as for each user that will be clocking in by phone:

2. Find the user’s phone user ID

Once each user has a phone user ID and PIN, you can view each user’s phone ID by going to the user’s profile page:

Phone user ID

3. Call our toll free number 877-342-0832

To clock in, dial our toll free number 877-342-0832, enter the Phone user ID and PIN number you set up, then follow the instructions to clock in. Currently the menu choices are:

Press 1 to clock in/out
Press 2 to record a shift report
Press 3 to start/end a job
Press 4 to record a job report

4. International numbers

We also offer international numbers. Currently they are:

UK (London): 0207-147-1609
New Zealand (Christchurch): (64) 03-288-0134

We can add any international number you need. If your country is not listed here, please contact us to ask about availability.

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